女性之所以有力量,不是來自一個人,是世界各地眾多的她在社會創新和文藝創作的過程中,積極參與,用自己的智慧與作為,讓世界看見女人的力量。然而,她們每一位又是獨當一面,散發着自身的魅力,各有品質,活出自己的精彩。VANS 作為創意和藝術創作的重要推動者,多元文化的理念背後一直支持女性在音樂、藝術、運動、時裝、街頭文化的發展,今次我們聯同 VANS 訪問了多位醉心於時裝和音樂的女性,淺談她們的人生和對女性力量的看法。

Women’s power does not come from an individual, but many women from around the world are heavily involved in the process of social innovation and artistic creation through their wisdom and actions, the world sees, if not ruled by, the collective power of women. Nevertheless, each of them is robust and independent, determination and creative awareness are just a few of the qualities that an independent woman will bring around the table. Founded to promote creativity and art, VANS has always supported the development and achievement of women in music, art, sports, fashion and street culture. This time, we joined VANS to interview nine women from the fashion and music scene who have shared their life stories and views on the power of women.