《MILK X》月刊(香港)以時裝美容、文化藝術和生活新相的角度出發,創刊於2006年9月香港,另有中國內地版及台灣版。我們經常求新求變,不囿於既定的創作模式,主要內容圍繞時裝、藝術、設計、攝影、美容、珠寶、腕錶及生活時尚等等,既有最新的資訊,亦有深入的報導。《MILK X》亦不時與著名品牌合作,推出特別版封面、限量紀念精品等等,務求令讀者每一期都滿載而歸。

MilkX Monthly Magazine (Hong Kong) is a leading magazine, born in year 2006, also comes in Taiwan and China version. MilkX Magazine shares things in very broad sense with different vision, including fashion, beauty, art, photography, luxurious accessories and everything with exquisite sense. We collaborate with high end fashion brands to publish special edition of covers, and also provide giveaway of limited edition of souvenirs to our readers, as a token of appreciation for the longterm supports. We hope that you have a special journey throughout the reading.



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(+852) 3120 3137



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13/F, Zung Fu Industrial Building, 
1067 King’s Road, 
Quarry Bay, Hong Kong